Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tips and Tricks:

1)  Get yourself an inexpensive 512 GB flash drive and record the following information on it, Name, Blood Type, Allergies, Emergency Contact Information and a list of any medications that you are taking on a regular basis. Stick this in a waterproof container / bag and stick this in your pocket.

2) Mark your emergency contact person in your cell phone like this: ICE Jane Doe 123-456-7890 (ICE stands for In Case of Emergency)

3) Fire Starter Kit - Buy yourself some Altoids, put the candy in a zip loc bag and enjoy at your own pace. In the empty tin put some steel wool, just to be safe put the steel wool in a zip loc bag then put it in the tin. Steel wool catches sparks very easily, if you can't find steel wool, dryer lint (yes, the strips of lint from your dryer) catch sparks real easy as well. OK now we need to create sparks (all this is of course if the lighter in your pocket is not working), put a small flint and steel kit in your tin and you have a complete fire starting kit. Just for the record, I carry 4 flint and steel kits, along with my lighter, I just don't want to take any chances, fire is good for you, it will bring you comfort in a survival situation. If you don't have flint and steel you can spark a fire with steel wool and a battery from your flashlight.

If you want to be primitive and carry live coals, you could but you still have to build a fire to get a live coal. I will discuss how to carry a live coal later.

Another semi primitive way to carry a good fire kit is to carry a tinder box. A tinder box was standard kit for the fur trade era, or the 18th and 19th century. To make a tinder box here is what you do:  Drill two holes one in each end of your Altoids tin, put your tin in some coals (one day at home when your BBQ is over) and burn off all the paint, take it out of the coals (be careful it's hot), put a piece of 3 inch square 100% cotton patch loosely inside the tin. Put the tin back in the coals and watch it closely, when you see flames come out of the holes you drilled pull the tin out of the coals. Let it cool down, look inside, you will have a piece of chared cloth, this charred cloth will take a spark from your flint and steel very easy and will be your tinder.

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