Tuesday, September 21, 2010



The first thing I would like to share with you is a couple of my personal rules when it comes to backpacking and camping, and general travel. I have traveled all my life, and I am alive today partly because I have never violated these rules, ever, never, ever.

I find myself struggling with strong emotions when I see this first rule violated, my emotions range from laughter to sympathy and empathy.

Always tell someone where you are going, when you will be back, the route you plan to hike or the area you plan to be camping in. Tell that person if you are not back within 24 hours of the date due back or they have not heard from you then something has gone wrong and to call for help. This one simple rule can save your life.

The next rule I don't really follow anymore, but it is because of my experience level and self confidence when I go out to the woods. Never travel alone. There is a long list of why, from boredom and loneliness, to four hands are better than two.

Follow these rules and you are already ahead of the game and more prepared than most people are.


  1. You are so on target! Why would anyone ever go on any outdoor excursion without some type of supplies!! Glad that you're giving some guidance. SJ

  2. It was one thing to see them over turn a rented kayak on the Colorado river and only have the stuff in their pockets, but to go on a safari in a jeep with no supplies, well I just couldn't keep quite any more.
